Recap – Quantum Latino 2021

From the 9th – 11th of June, QURECA, along with The Unconventional Computing Lab and Quantum South, virtually hosted Quantum Latino, the first large quantum event in Latin America. The event was hosted in an effort to create a connected quantum community within the region.

The event brought together researchers, entrepreneurs, start-ups and industry collaborators to share ideas, network and connect with one another, as well as learn through a variety of sessions held by leading industry professionals and experienced researchers.

Quantum Latino attracted attention worldwide, with over 1000 registered attendees, 59% of which were located in Latin American countries. The event also attracted the attention of some big businesses in the quantum technologies industry, such as Atos, Honeywell and IonQ.

In total, Quantum Latino was sponsored by 20 companies, 10 of which hosted booths during the three day event to network and connect with participants.

Over the course of the three days, 60 speakers held 44 sessions discussing research, business and careers advice, and hosting practical sessions for attendees to participate in. The talks were recorded and are available to watch on the Quantum Latino YouTube channel.

On the final day of the event, Friday 11th June, outreach activities were held, running parallel to the main event. The outreach activities attracted 427 participants, across 4 different sessions. The outreach sessions were also recorded and can be found on the Quantum Latino Outreach YouTube channel.

Overall, the event was a huge success. When we initially planned the event, we set ourselves the target of 500 participants. We never expected that over 1000 quantum enthusiasts would be interested in this event.

Thank you to all the speakers, sponsors and participants for taking part in this event, it wouldn’t have been such a massive success without you all. We would also like to thank everyone for all the fantastic feedback you have given us.

We hope that we have managed to set in motion the initial steps in creating a connected quantum across Latin America, as well as connecting the quantum community in Latin America with the quantum community throughout the world.

Due to the fantastic feedback and massive turnout, we are pleased to announce that Quantum Latino will be returning again next year. Any information regarding the event will be posted on the Quantum Latino website, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

Thanks again to everyone who participated in the event, we hope to see you next year!

To learn more about all of our fantastic sponsors, have a look at our event booklet or contact us for the next Quantum Latino event.

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